Title: Wait here  Medium: Acrylic, watercolour and resin on canvas  Size: 25x31cm  Year: 2022
 Title: In the air  Medium: Acrylic, watercolour and resin on canvas  Size: 27x31.5cm  Year: 2022
 Title: Were we there?  Medium: Acrylic, watercolour and resin on canvas  Size: 24x32cm  Year: 2022
 Title: Around again  Medium: Acrylic, watercolour and resin on canvas  Size: 25x30.5cm  Year: 2022
 Title: The Amarabella  Medium: Acrylic, watercolour and resin on canvas  Size: 26x33cm  Year: 2022
 Title: The answer to it  Medium: Acrylic, watercolour and resin on canvas  Size: 21.5x25cm  Year: 2022
 Title: It was always her favourite  Medium: Acrylic, watercolour and resin on canvas  Size: 23x28.5cm  Year: 2022
 Title: All the way back  Medium: Acrylic, watercolour and resin on canvas  Size: 24x29.5cm  Year: 2022
 Title: A book of gold thrown open  Medium: Acrylic, watercolour and resin on canvas  Size: 29x37cm  Year: 2022
 Title: Such an obvious thing  Medium: Acrylic, watercolour and resin on canvas  Size: 23x28cm  Year: 2022
 Title: Sailing to the middle  Medium: Acrylic, watercolour and resin on canvas  Size: 29x36cm  Year: 2022
 Title: Revealed  Medium: Acrylic, watercolour and resin on canvas  Size: 26x31cm  Year: 2022
 Title: Believe me  Medium: Acrylic, watercolour and resin on canvas  Size: 24x27cm  Year: 2022
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